I Have My Doubts

By | March 30, 2016

I have my doubts

We have a hard time imagining the fear the disciples of Jesus faced.  They had been students and followers of a man who had been executed for his teaching and activity.  Now they were hiding, waiting until the uproar settled.  Eventually, the disciples of Jesus would leave their hiding places.  They didn’t know what they would do.  Perhaps they would go home.  Perhaps they would start over.

Hope was lost.  Jesus was dead.

What happened to transform these despondent, hiding followers?  They became witnesses.  They saw Jesus, resurrected.   Each Sunday of April, we will hear their stories in worship and in them consider our own faith and doubt.

On the Emmaus road, two of the disciples met a fellow traveler.  They only recognized him as they shared a meal together.  When do we recognize God’s presence?

Jesus appeared to the disciples one evening while they were locked up together, hiding.  Thomas wasn’t with them and would not believe until he had touched Jesus’ wounds.  How can we believe when we can’t see and touch for ourselves?

Saul persecuted Jesus followers and executed them.  Then, he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and began preaching that Jesus is the Son of God.  He became a wholly new person, the Apostle Paul.  Does being believers transform our lives?

Jesus said to the disciples, “You are witnesses of these things” and promised the power of God would clothe them.  What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit today?

Each of us has doubts.  Over the coming weeks, we invite you to come and worship with us as we explore these stories and what they mean to our faith.