Register Now!

Join us for a chance to grow as a community of faith while we serve the community around us.  July 14 – 17 youth are invited to take part in projects that will expose them to neighbors they didn’t know they had.

To register, simply fill out the online form (available here) and gather in the youth room at 9am the day of the service.  The events are free but some lunches are not included.  You will need $10 for Tuesday and Friday’s lunch.  Friday we will eat at one of Doug’s favorite restaurants, Caritas Village. It has an AMAZING menu you will not want to miss out.

Here is the schedule

14th – Tuesday 9:30am – Serving at Page Robbins Adult Day Center. – Bring $10 for Chick-Fil-A
15th – Wednesday 9:30am – Redecorate and paint the Youth Room – Pizza provided.
16th – Thursday 9:30am – Help the Barr’s move from their apartment – Burgers and hot dogs provided
17th – Friday 9:30am – Visit Caritas Village to serve, tour, and eat! – Bring $10 for lunch at Caritas.